How to Support the
Middle Tennessee Lions Sight Service

There are many ways to support the Middle Tennessee Lions Sight Service, from direct donations to bequests to special fundraising events.
About Us
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License sample

The Coolest NEW Specialty License Plate in the USA!

Everyone who pre-ordered a Crusade Against Darkness specialty license plate should have their plates.

If you want a Crusade Against Darkness plate, they should be available at your local County Clerk office.

These funds will help restore the vision of Tennesseans in need. Thanks for your support. 

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Mail in Donations

Personal donations are tax deductible.

Mail checks to:
Middle Tennessee Lions Sight Service
PO Box 3
Milton, TN 37118

Online Donations

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Memorial Donations
(In Memoriam gifts)

Donations may be made in memory of a loved one or friend. A memorial card will be sent to the family of the deceased letting them know a donation was made in memory of their loved one. All amounts of contributions remain confidential.

To make memorial gifts, mail checks to
PO Box 3
Milton, TN 37118

Include the name of the family member or friend in whose memory the gift was made.
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Bequests may be made in many forms: a specified amount of money, a percentage of your estate, or a life insurance policy. Making a bequest to Middle Tennessee Lions Sight Service in your will is simple.

We recommend that you seek professional assistance in writing your will. To make the distribution of funds easier, we can provide you or your legal representative with the proper information.
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Kroger Rewards

Kroger has a Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy based on the shopping you do at Kroger. 

Once you link your Card to Middle Tennessee Lions Sight Service, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card or put in your Kroger card number. You will need to re-enroll annually in August.
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Knight for Sight Recognition

A Knight for Sight Recognition is a recognition to 1) someone who donates $500 or greater to MTLSS or 2) someone who a Lions Club chooses to honor for outstanding service in the area of vision.

The Lions Clubs would make a donation of $500 or greater to honor that person. A plaque is given for this recognition. The Knight for Sight was the first logo used when MTLSS was originally conceived, signifying that we fight to save vision.
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